Super good stuff.
We had exchanges right after zone training and the next day as Zr Huber and I were waiting for our train to exchange back, this guy came up to us. He was tattooed all over and had massive gauges and was carrying all this super professional camera gear. He came up and started talking to us (in english) as we were eating our lunch. "Hey are you mormons?"
".. yes!"
"Oh well I'm sorry I'm just going to say this, I think you guys are a cult. I mean, I don't know much about you guys, I've only seen an episode of like Family Guy or something but I think you're a cult. You have polygamy, right?" and all kinds of funny things. It was a really funny conversation. He was super cool though, because he was willing to listen. We had a cool conversation and he took our card and said he'd come to church sometime. He was funny :) Love when that happens.
Also when we were on the train going to Zwolle to exchange back, this man was walking along as the train was moving and he fell on one of the sisters. It was hilarious and also awkward.

We accidentally forgot to call someone to cancel our appointment because we'd be in Zwolle on Tuesday, and they were really upset so we made cookies and a nice card to try to say sorry, but then the cookies got burned and it was just a hilarious situation. Until I realized that I had gotten cookies in a package from my mom, so I used a few of those, and it was a miracle and now he isn't mad at us anymore because we gave him cookies :) BLESSINGS
Saturday was a cool day where we just ran into a bunch of former investigator people randomly and timing was just great and it was a miracle and a half because we haven't been able to get a hold of them in a while. So we were really happy about that. :)
I'm so grateful for my experiences here and for my companion :) Love you all! have a great week!
Zuster Watts