We went to the monument of the first baptism in Nederland last Monday as a district and we all cleaned the monument and jumped the canal and had a picnic. After, the Romigs (the missionary couple in Groningen) took zr H and I to this Klompen factory. It was super cool! [We love the Romigs! Missionaries who get to serve with couples are extra blessed.]
Zr H and I bought two pairs of mini klompen that we're going to hopefully paint and then swap one with each other :)
It was kind of a hard week to begin with because on Monday one of our investigators had her neighbor call us to tell us that she didn't want to meet anymore, and then the next day we had two appointments in which 2 other investigators told us they didn't want discussions anymore either. So that was... rough. But then we met with Karin van der Velde (who lived with the Reese's on a student exchange program about 5 years ago) and it was so gezellig and she was so sweet that it made up for the hard couple of days! She made us this delicious pasta and we just talked about a billion things. It was so good to see her! :)
Zone Conference was also this week. We had a little mini break-out session with just the Zusters and Zuster Robinson, and it was SO good! We talked about the three things we need to believe in order to have a firm foundation:
1. Knowledge that God exists. That's the easy part (for most of us.)
2. A Correct of idea of God's nature, character, and perfections. Basically, knowledge and a testimony that He is perfect.
3. Knowledge that my life's direction is according to his perfect plan and will. This is the hardest one to truly have. It doesn't mean that our lives will be perfect, but that we see the wisdom in the difficulties and trust that God knows what he's doing and that our trials are exactly and perfectly what we need to go through to be able to learn.
We spent the most time talking about that last one and it was just really impactful and incredible. I wish I had more time to write about that. But then she played "Glorious"By David Archuleta, and we all just had a cry session and the spirit was SO strong!
Then they surprised us by showing us Meet the Mormons at the end of the conference. It was soooo good!
Fun things this week:
- zr H and I got a mini pizza to share because we were craving pizza
- we met a crazy guy on the train on the way to Apeldoorn, and it was.. interesting.
- had many close calls with crashing into each other as we were rushing to get places.

My new companion is Zuster Kimmons, who is from Texas! She was actually our sister training leader's companion so I've been on exchanges with her and we're just going to have so much fun.
Also! This Saturday and Sunday was Stake Conference, and on Sunday I ran into someone I would've never expected to see: An investigator in Amsterdam that we kind of switched off teaching with the elders in Zaandam, but she was at the Apeldoorn stake conference. I was super caught off guard but we talked and I asked how it was going with taking the lessons, and SHE'S GETTING BAPTIZED NEXT WEEK! Ah! I'm so sosososooo happy! Miracles!
So many other great things this week, but not enough room in my head to compact it all into one or two more paragraphs!
Veel liefs, Zuster Watts